Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Cross-Dressers Coming Out Story

Remember that post from two days ago where I may have mentioned that I loathed/detested/
vomited-upon-the-thought-of shopping? I take it all back.

I found a local store that I adore - Cato's. Big girl fashions at tightwad prices!

**If you're a twig, don't worry, they have clothes for you too. There's even a bathroom that the employees will let you use if you need to purge your lunch. **

So now I have a selection of cute clothing. I have nowhere to wear it, but it's there. I'm sure the co-workers will wonder for the next few days why I have suddenly went from jeans and men's t-shirts (which I still adore) to....well... still jeans....and women's shirts. I have suddenly realized what cross-dressers must feel when they decide to throw caution to the wind and dress in an alternate wardrobe.

Hold on, Leah is yelling at the neighbors out the window.  It's all gibberish, but I have a good idea what she's saying. Probably the same thing I feel like yelling at them most days.

Back to the matter at hand......

While I was in the store, the sales lady was laying on the flattery thick and heavy. Normally I have no problem with that. As a general rule, I encourage it. But when she pulled out the "your drivers license picture is so cute" card, I had to put a stop to it. I assured her that she already had the sale, no need for falsehoods. And if you have ever seen that particular picture, you would know exactly why I said that.

There's really no great personal wisdom to glean from this post. But if you want some cute clothing and some serious flattery, you know where to go.

Now, I must end our time together. My daughter has taken to prancing across the scale and then "eh eh EHHH!" 'ing until I give her my hand and help her off.

Sometimes I cry and someone needs to help me off the scale too.


  1. Oh Celeste! You are a scream! If I ever need a pick me up, you're there!!! :)

  2. I didnt even know they had a bathroom! Guess you know what side of the store I shop in!


Whaddya think about that?