Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's My Birthday and I'll Meow if I Want To.

Today was my birthday and BOY did I celebrate big time! Between the dishes, the laundry, the caring of a c r a b b y child, and the mad dash to Farm & Home for newborn kitten supplies, it's a wonder I was able to stand the excitement.

By the way, I turned 33  24. Just another day in paradise.

You're asking about that kitten, though, aren't you? For the past two days I have heard this poor, pathetic mewling outside the kitchen window. But, if you'll refer to my previous post, I'm not looking to tack years onto my cat sentence. Today I could take it no longer. I looked in the hollow of the old tree out back and there was this tiny, gray, striped bundle of needy love. It can't be over 3 weeks old. I know this because I spent the better part of an hour googling how to take care of newborn kittens. But I digress.

I yell at Jason to watch Leah and I hop in the van, superhero cape tied firmly around my neck. I will save this kitty! As I walk into Farm & Home it strikes me that there is a completely separate subculture that frequents that store. A subculture that I actually feel at home with. Farmers. I love them! Some of my best memories are from my grandparents farm. We would play in the grain bin. We would climb the tractor. It's where I fed my little sister her first piece of dog food. Oh, the memories!

On a side note, however, I saw a rather robust man wearing a t-shirt that said "Ask me why you're not hungry, don't itch " and there was something else after that part, but I got a little scared when I saw the don't itch part. What does that mean?? I did not follow the shirts advice. I did not ask.

Where was I?

Ah, so I was in Farm & Home, checking out the selection of tiny bottles and kitty formula. An elderly couple walks past and I get "the smile". The same smile I got when I was pregnant. Some might think this was weird. Not I. I thought of them as victims possible cat parents.

"You have a baby?" the sweet man asks.

"An abandoned kitty" I say, trying to evoke as much sympathy as humanly possible. I may have batted my eyes, I can't recall. It happened so fast.


But wait! Wait!! They were still walking! Should I have brought the cat in with me? Shown it around? Like merchandisers do with impulse-buy items?

"You want a cat in 4 - 6 weeks?" My shrill voice carries much farther than I intended it to.

They laugh. They keep walking. Forget them. They smelled like celery anyways.

My next target is the check-out lady.

Again, "the smile". Again "You have a baby?" in the syrupy voice.

I have no time for the small talk.

"Yes. You want a cat?" Crap, I forgot to smile when I said it. I tack a toothy grin on afterwards.

"Oh no" she says as the smile quickly disappears.

Why am I not surprised.

So here I sit. Listening to the kittens constant meowing. I'm not even going to tell you about my attempts at bottle feeding. That was just ridiculous. I'm also not going to tell you how the kitten pooped on me.

But I will tell you that there is a kitten available to a loving home.........................

take me home, I will love you forever, I will be your bestest friend

1 comment:

  1. Oh how the girls would love that cat!! My Husband & dog are a different story....BTW love me some Farm & Home too!


Whaddya think about that?